英语话题 英语学习资源 英语微杂志


12019-11-19 16:11:35

1、I would like to have a morning Call at8:00 in the morning.我要早上8:00设定电话叫醒。

2、I'd like to order room service, please.我要食物送到房间的服务。

3、I'd like a room of one.我要单人房。

4、I'd like a room for two with separate beds.我要两张床的房间。

5、I'd like as extra bed for room 702.我要在702房多加一张床。

6、When is check out time? 退房的适合时间?

7、I am interested in booking a room.我想订房。

8、Could I book a double room for 3 days from ...(日期)..to(日期).我要订一间双人房从....

9、How much is a double room for 1 night? 双人床一晚多少呢?

10、Your booking is confirmed.你的订房已经生效了。

11、Do you have a bus service from the airport? 有饭店的bus在机场接送吗?

12、Could you fax me a map of how to get to the hotel? 请你传真路线图给我,我想知道如何到你们饭店。

13、Could you show me my room? 你可以带我到我的房间吗?

14、Where is the emergency exit and staircase? 紧急出口和楼梯在那里?

15、Please send another blanket to my room.请再送一条毯子到我房间。

16、The sheets are dirty.床单很脏。

17、There's no running hot water in my room.我房间没有热水。

18、I'll arrive late, but please keep my reservation.我会晚一点到达,请保留所预订的房间。

19、I'd like a room with a nice view (abalcony).我想要一间视野好(有阳台)的房间。

20、What time does the dining room open? 餐厅几点开始营业?

21、What time can I have breakfast? 早餐几点开始供应?

22、Could you keep my valuables? 是否可代为保管贵重物品?

23、I'd like to check out. My bill, please.我要退房。请给我帐单。

24、Please bring me some ice cubes and water.请送给我一些冰块和水。

25、The air-conditioner (T.V. set、light) doesn't work.冷气(电视、灯)无法开启。
